Coaching for Writers and Creatives
Joyful writing life catalyst
I help high-achieving women align their time, talents, and energy to write their books. This accelerator includes twelve one-on-one coaching sessions. You will leave with a clear idea of the book you want to write, why you want to write it, the limiting beliefs and painful thoughts that have kept you from starting or finishing your project, and the changes you need to make to finish your first draft.
Your MFA program may have taught you how to build a novel plot and write beautiful sentences, but it probably didn’t teach you how to stay true to your vision, manage your mind , and deal with your perfectionism and anxiety. I went through the Martha Beck Life Coach training to become the coach I needed to finish my novel. Since then, I’ve helped many women write the book they were meant to write, without getting distracted by other people’s visions of who they should be or what they should be writing. I am on a mission to empower women, especially women of color and daughters of immigrants, learn how to tell their stories through both fiction and non-fiction. You are not too old; It is not too late.
Contact me to apply for a six-month program to take a quantum leap forward in the first or second draft of your book.