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an ambitious woman who wants to use your unique genius to make a difference in the world.

You want to be happy with the life you have because you’ve worked hard to get here and because you know that in many ways you are lucky. You think maybe you should stick it out because of the amazing amount of external validation you get while living this life. You’ve tried using your intellect and drive to solve the problem of your happiness. But you feel like you are in a prison, and the fact that you put yourself there makes things even worse. You feel ungrateful, anxious, depressed, and maybe just a little bit ashamed you are not happier with what you have.

You are living the version of success you thought would make you happy because that’s what other people told you would make you happy or that was all you thought you could hope for. But maybe success means something different for you. Maybe you’re not sure you are on the right path.

  • Maybe you want to write a novel, but financial insecurity is getting in the way.

  • Maybe you are writing a novel, but fear of criticism or is keeping you from finishing it.

  • Maybe you really want to take some time off to spend with your children, but you don’t know whether or how to scale back on your current career.

  • Maybe you always thought that you wanted to be a stay at home parent, but you actually miss working outside the home and you are worried people will think you are a failure at parenting if you say you want to add something else to your life.

  • Maybe you have a great stable job with a corporation, but you really want to work for yourself.

The solution

I will help you let go of old ideas and dismantle your limiting beliefs, whether you learned them from other or taught them to yourself.

I will help you relearn what was always true—that’s there more than one kind of success and more than one kind of success for you. You choose the next version of your life.


someone who knows exactly what success means to you, but you don’t know how to get there.

  • Maybe you know you are on the right path, but you are not achieving your version of success as fast as you expected. You feel like something is off, and if someone asked just the right questions you could figure out what it is.

  • Maybe you are on a path you love, but you know something is holding you back from enjoying your success.

  • Maybe you know exactly what you want, but you can’t seem to make it happen. You feel like what works for other people doesn’t work for you, and you don’t have an alternate strategy.

The Solution

I will help you fully imagine and develop your dreams and goals. Together we can brainstorm and test the strategies that will help you transform your goals into reality.


ready to have a child, but are not getting pregnant.

  • Maybe you have been diagnosed with infertility, or maybe you haven’t even been to a doctor yet. You are disappointed, scared and worried that you will never have a child.

The Solution

I will help you identify your next steps and sort through your options.  Together we will figure out what your definition of success is when it comes to growing your family and the right next steps for you.

Are you ready to start writing your own definition of success? Contact Zahie to schedule a free consultation.
